View Full Version : Numbering/labeling the photos

06-10-2012, 07:40 PM
Louie, right now the different sets of the same model are labeled the same. For example, first pic of the first set of Lia Patricia is labeled liapatricia001 and the first pic of her second set is the same. When we download a zip, it creates problems. Do you think you could label them differently like first pic of the first set is the same but first pic of the sec set is "liapatricia2001" and the first pic of the third set is "liapatricia3001"? Long term I think everyone will be happier. We'd appreciate it if it doesn't cause you hardship. If it does, then forget it. Thanks in advance.

06-11-2012, 01:28 AM

we will adopt your suggestion to label the photo sets


Louie Damazo
06-11-2012, 02:59 AM
Louie, right now the different sets of the same model are labeled the same. For example, first pic of the first set of Lia Patricia is labeled liapatricia001 and the first pic of her second set is the same. When we download a zip, it creates problems. Do you think you could label them differently like first pic of the first set is the same but first pic of the sec set is "liapatricia2001" and the first pic of the third set is "liapatricia3001"? Long term I think everyone will be happier. We'd appreciate it if it doesn't cause you hardship. If it does, then forget it. Thanks in advance.

Makes a lot of sense to me, we ll do something in this way for sure

Thanks for the sugestion

06-11-2012, 09:35 PM
Appreciate your positive response. Be well.